What Is Kabbalah - Official Kabbalah Publication of the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute
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What Is Kabbalah

Kabbalah has been clouded in confusion, legend, myth and misrepresentation because authentic Kabbalah has been hidden for thousands of years... until today

There has been a lot of confusion, legend, myth and misinterpretation surrounding the true nature of Kabbalah because it has been shrouded in mystery for thousands of years. And it is called the hidden science for a number of reasons.

Why the Confusion?

1. In the past Kabbalah was taught to only a few worthy, highly developed people from each generation who already possessed certain inner qualities not developed in humanity as a whole until recently. And these inner qualities allowed them to understand and use it correctly. In the first place it was purposely hidden by the Kabbalists themselves.

2. All Kabbalistic books are written in a way that uses words that seem to talk about people and things, but in fact, not a single word in any Kabbalistic book is talking about the physical world. And if you don’t learn how to read these books from a Kabbalist in the authentic teaching lineage, you simply can’t understand them. It doesn’t matter how bright you are. All you are going to end up with is a product of your imagination and nothing else.

3.Kabbalah reveals the purpose and nature of this system we call life and unless a person has a powerfully real reason to ask this question, they can’t hear the answer, even if it is shouted at them. But today, many people all over the world are seeking out Kabbalah.

Kabbalah is Not...

So let’s clear up the misunderstanding. Let’s look at what Kabbalah is not. What Is Kabbalah? It is not and has nothing to do with:

religion, magic, mysticism, witchcraft, divination, cults, healing, meditation, self-help, philosophy, theory, parapsychology, ESP, telepathy, clairvoyance, new age, psycho kinesis, superstition, dream interpretation, phrenology, tarot cards, mantras, yoga, red strings, holy water, blessings, Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sufism, or any “ism,” past life regressions, holistic medicine, numerology, faith healing, aromatherapy, secret societies, reiki, hypnosis, channeling, transmutation, astrology, astral travel or projection, lucid dreaming, spiritualism, communicating with the dead, out of body experiences, magnetism, voodoo, freemasonry, theosophy, reflexology, UFO’s, creationism, fanaticism, or any other belief.

Many of the above mentioned, however, have borrowed and misinterpreted the principles of Kabbalah over the years.

Kabbalah Is...

So now, what is it really? Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag defines Kabbalah this way:

The wisdom is no more and no less than a sequence of roots, which hang down by way of cause and effect, in fixed, determined rules, weaving into a single, exalted goal described as:

“the revelation of His Godliness to His creatures in this world.”

Which means that there is an Upper Force and then there are governing forces that descend from this Upper Force and bring about our existence, meaning this world.

The Governing Force of Nature

We are familiar with physical forces, such as gravity, electromagnetism, and even the power of thought. But there are forces of a much higher order that act while still remaining hidden to us. Just like we know the effects of electricity, but we can’t see it and we don’t know exactly what it is. The ultimate, comprehensive force, the Creator, is the sum of all the world’s forces and the highest level in the line of higher governing forces.

This Upper Force gave birth to 5 spiritual worlds and a barrier separating them from our world. The science of Kabbalah doesn’t study our world and the people in it, the way traditional science does. It investigates everything that exists beyond that barrier. There is nothing other than the force that descends from above in accordance with these laws. And the laws, as Ashlag writes, are fixed. They are absolute and they are everywhere. And ultimately they are all directed so that we can reveal the governing force of Nature while we still exist in this world.